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Technologists Aspiring through Servant Leadership
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B-Spoke Program
B-SPOKE Application
The B-SPOKE Application
First Name
Last Name
Are you a current professional, college student, or both? Explain.
What area of leadership do you want to develop in and why?
What would you like to gain through the SASE Pro Charleston leadership program and why?
Describe at least one example of your personal experience with leading activities or initiatives?
Have you been part of a leadership development program before? If yes, what do you like/not like about it?
Please choose a Career Development indicator:
Aspires and able to learn and apply new skills under new or challenging conditions
High personal engagement (i.e., anticipates and initiates change)
Pursues a broad base of business and/or technical knowledge
Demonstrates ability to stretch beyond current skills or role
Seeks varied assignments to broaden experience base – proactive career development
Achievement of, or commitment to achieve, advanced certifications or degrees from an accredited course of study, in a technical field
Current level and experience category.
Early Career –>1yr; <7yr experience
Technical –>2yr experience
Management –>2yr experience
Professional development with B-SPOKE will run from July to October 2021, will you able to complete the course?
This course will start on July 6th with a Kick-off. There will be a bi-weekly live training with all the professional development participants every other week on Tuesdays from 5-7pm PT or 8-10pm ET. Can you meet the requirement of attendance for this course?
Every other week that does not have live training, there will be coaching slots open on multiple days and times. Can you make atleast one of 4 slots to discuss what you learn with a Coach on these weeks?
The B-SPOKE Professional Development Course is a volunteer course that includes self-attested learning, live training and bi-weekly coaching that is funded by SASE Professional Charleston. As a Non-profit, we operate on grants and donations. The time spent during training is viewed as volunteer time and will be used to request grants (if applicable) to help us fund future professional development opportunities.
Option 1
Option 2
Thank you!
© Established 2019 SASE PRO CHARLESTON